Some pictures and init
La Cucina... It's bright and pretty roomy, with lots of windows and natural light. The main drawbacks are that there is no dishwasher (I'll deal) and that there isn't much counter space. What I'm currently using as a desk is actually a kitchen table, so I'm thinking of putting that in the kitchen for now (it would go in the right-hand picture, underneath the silver star) and getting a new desk, one that's the right height for computer use. I also have a folding shelf and some stacking storage cubes that I might put in the other corner (where the block of knives is) and keep the microwave and/or toaster oven there.
Oh, the kitchen leads on to my...
Awesome Deck!!! Enough said.
Living Room. It's smaller than my apartment now, but it definitely has enough room for me to live as well as space for an office nook and my dining room table (there is no separate dining area.) I think I'll enjoy having the (non-functional) fireplace as a centerpoint to the room. I also love th
Bedroom and Closet. The bedroom is smaller, but definitely adequate for sleeping (and has two windows!). My current bedroom has lots of extra space that doesn't really get used. The closet space in the bedroom is about on par with what I have now (if a married couple has been sharing it for three years, I think it will be enough space for me), but it probably will take some work (extra bars, some hanging shoe and sweater bags, etc.).
However, there is no coat closet in the entryway or other additional storage space, so I'm going to have to get rid of some stuff and get creative. I'm a big fan of baskets and bins for storage - you don't have to be super-organized and things are still pretty easy to find without all the clutter. Mostly, I'll need easily accessible storage for all my tri gear, everyday outerwear like scarves, hats, gloves, hoodies, fleece, etc., which will hopefully leave room in the closet for stuff I use less often like luggage and camping gear.
For the quickly accessible stuff, I'm thinking of going the shelf with canvas bins route. For example:

with some of these:

Or ready-made, like this:

or this:

One day, I'll have cute entryway storage, like this:

I've also gotten used to having drapes, which my current apartment has (if you're wondering, I'm only moving because I have to), so I feel a little downgraded going back to blinds. I'm hoping I'll be able to spruce it up some with fun fabric to put over the windows. But, for now, I'm going to slow down, and not go nuts. (I promise I'll wait until I actually move in to make any purchases; I probably won't get anything until the new year.) I really want to make sure I have a good sense of how I'll use the space on a day-to-day basis before I go out and buy a bunch of stuff I don't really need. The closet and storage bins are probably the main priority, and everything else can wait. I've started an "apartment kitty," meaning I'm putting $20/week into a cookie tin (along with every Bed, Bath, and Beyond coupon that comes in the mail) so I'll have some cash to spend on new stuff for the apartment when I get back from Christmas.
When I get the key next Friday, I'll post more pics of the apartment as a "blank canvas." And, once I get moved in and settled, I'll post some "after" pictures.
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