Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Emma Went Down to Georgia

Partly due to the nature of my job and partly due to the fact that I'm a big dork, I'm always excited to find new online resources for grammar questions. I frequently refer to Dr. Grammar and I recently discovered (and am now addicted to) Grammar Girl, which is a weekly podcast and accompanying blog that provides "quick and dirty" tips for remembering particular grammar rules and often includes really interesting trivia and discussion (well, interesting to me.) I also highly recommend checking out other similar "quick and dirty" podcasts on qdnow.com. I like Mr. Manners and Legal Lad. (So glad I recently joined the 21st century by downloading iTunes!)

Today I was google-ing when to use a hyphen between the words "follow" and "up," and I came across a blog called Business Writing. (It corroborated my instinct that there is no hyphen when using "follow up" as a verb.) On the site's blog roll was a blog called Legal Writer. Of course, I eagerly clicked over to that one!

An interesting tidbit that I picked up by reading through Legal Writer's recent posts is that Georgia font was specifically designed to be read on screen. The post recommended changing your email program settings to write and display Georgia as the default font, thus making it easier on your eyes and those of your email recipients. (Apparently, as online fonts go, Verdana is a close second.)

FYI - The default font for this blog is, in fact, Georgia. Blogger must be hip to its "brilliant serifs."

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