Sunday, March 11, 2007

Short, Sweet, Late

March has come in like the proverbial lion so I haven't had much time for blogging or resolution-keeping-track-of.

In short, I met all my resolutions for last month but one. I bought coat hangers, went to see the dentist, and have applied for a handful of jobs, maybe 5. I haven't gotten around to donating my cell phone and laptop, but thanks to Laura's tip, I should be able to shortly.

This month, I'm taking it easy on myself, and only have one resolution: do my taxes by the end of March. That will keep me from waiting until the last minute as I have done almost every other year.

1 comment:

Laura said...

We use Tax Act, since its free to file Federal taxes. You can log into the website to file free DC taxes. We've already got our federal refund!