"Dishevelled" Lady. Bosse, 1640.
In addition to the unfolded laundry, the dishes in the sink, the cluttered piles of junk mail, etc., etc., my valient attempts to (semi-) cook the last couple nights (i.e. heating a can of chili on the stove as opposed to microwaving a delicious frozen treat) have been hindered by a can opener that doesn't actually open the can all the way around, but only allows two crescent moon shaped slips on either side, and requires me to use a knife to pry the Hormel goodness out.
Items to purchase this weekend? One of these. And perhaps, this. Maybe if I clean and organize my apartment, I'll treat myself to a trip to IKEA.
P.S. Don't worry, Mom. I do best to drink juice and eat vegetables at work so I won't get scurvy.
Speaking of scurvy: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A9110-2002Nov5?language=printer
And I'm interested in a Target trip on Sunday, if you'll invite me, considering I forgot to invite you last week (but I was shopping for a baby shower gift! and it wasn't (that) fun!)
1 Box of Velveeta Shells and Cheese
3-4 Cups of Frozen Broccoli
1 Family Sized Pouch of StarKist Tuna
Boil the Broccoli and Shells in seperate pots
Mix together all ingredients in sealable plastic ware
Depending on how much you eat this meal can last an entire weekend and is relatively nutritious providing carbs, proteins, and fats. It is healthier still if you can find whole wheat shells, buy organic, and chase it all with a glass of 1% milk.
Takes less than 15 minutes to prepare, no can opener required.
Thanks for the suggestion, Paul. But have your forgotten that my sentiments about broccoli are on par with George Herbert Walker Bush? I was never the fan of Cream of Broccoli of Cheese of Soup that you were. :)
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